Don't Leave Your Crumbs Out

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Welcome to DLYCO!

I usually just post my little stuff here since I don't really want to use social media.

extra little funny

10 jun 2024

finally updated the site

i'll go back to sleep now


10 jun 2024

i am very cool :D

31 may 2024

finally updating the site soon after a bit of nothing

maybe i'll continue wanderer or make a new webcomic someday


21 may 2024

wanderer discontinued, planning a site remodel soon

i got pretty bored, check the gallery page for some unreleased stuff while you wait


10 december 2023


The first game over page has been released :)


10 october 2023

Wanderers are crusteaceans.

Also i'm delaying the next update


2 october 2023

Hello everyone, this is my first updatelog update. There's not a lot to say so i'll be quick.

First: thank you to everyone who read Wanderer up to this point, and second: The first update of Wanderer Chapter 1 is coming out at the 18th of September 2023!

Thank you for reading this little message.


2 september 2023